HAARP Facility OTA

Operation of the High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) array in Gakona Alaska has ceased due to a lack of funds. I can imagine that would put a damper on things.  According to this article from the ARRL website:

The proximate cause of HAARP’s early May shutdown was less fiscal than environmental, (James) Keeney said. As he explained it, the diesel generators on site no longer pass Clean Air Act muster. Repairing them to meet EPA standards will run $800,000. Beyond that, he said, it costs $300,000 a month just to keep the facility open and $500,000 to run it at full capacity for 10 days.

Which, ouch!  It looks like they generate all their own power on-site with diesel generators, which is not inexpensive.  Still, it is an interesting-looking facility and it would be fun to poke around a bit.  As the above-quoted article says, the site will likely be bulldozed unless some other funding to operate the array is found.

HAARP array close up, Gakona, AK
HAARP array close up, Gakona, AK

As a result of this, I fully expect that there will be no more hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, and so on.

5 thoughts on “HAARP Facility OTA”

  1. I shall never surrender my tinfoil hat!! In all seriousness, what benefit has HAARP given to science, our defense, country, science, or man kind? This cluster F has been the Super Collider on steroids and all paid for by the greedy US Tax payers. Maybe some of those towers will make it on the surplus market (ie AB577)? Good riddance!!

  2. Well, this is a revoltin’ development. What are the paranoids going to do with their idle time now? (And it was such a unifying issue, too — nutjobs all across the political spectrum could indulge in ludicrous speculation together. Man, we can’t have *nothin’* nice.)

    Félix, the price tag for HAARP has been quite modest compared to supercolliders both real and hoped-for. Downside: no hadrons.

  3. Propaganda packaging. HAARP is a global concept getting too much exposure. Time to down play the operation while new generators are delivered. Primary reason for gen set operation is:
    1. “Because we can!”
    2. Prevents leaked info on the actual peak demands for these human harming skywave and mirrored subterranean E and H field colliders (a true, giant sucking sound).
    3. Generators CAN meet peak demand while holding down the local power bill.

  4. Just build a reactor and have it run from that…. It’s only a few billion dollars in taxpayer money.

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