The Rabbit Hole

The internet is a wonderful technical achievement. It has truly changed the course of human history in ways incalculable. The amount of information available to anyone with access is simply astounding.  Then there is this:


I am supposed to be doing research for my technical writing class, but I keep getting sucked back in. Some of these are quite funny:


GAH! Someday, if I could figure out how to get that cloaking device to work, I would like to seek into all those conference rooms and replace the standard issue motivational poster with this one:

Standard issue demotivator
Standard issue demotivator

And the minutes still tick by, with my paper undone.  These are from,


The professor is going to have my butt.

It has been relatively light blogging these last few weeks, for several reasons; some of them obvious, some of them not so much.

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