BE AM5E power supply problem

This is from my burned-out shit collection, pictures section:

Broadcast Electronics AM5E power supply
Broadcast Electronics AM5E power supply

It is a power supply from a Broadcast Electronics AM5E transmitter.  Here is another view:

Broadcast Electronics AM5E power supply mating connector
Broadcast Electronics AM5E power supply mating connector

As you can see, there was a small fire started in the mating connector for the transmitter wiring harness.  I did not install this unit so I have no way to know for sure what happened, but I suspect that the mating connector was not pushed all the way in during installation.  In this business, really in all engineering fields, it is the little details that will catch up with you.

I know that one of the stations I used to work at had a fire at their electrical service panel at the FM transmitter site after they installed a new transmitter.  This happened after I departed for greener pastures.  In any case, it is very important to torque the connections on any service disconnect or circuit breaker to the panel manufacturer’s specifications.  I also check the lugs every so often with a Fluke 62 mini IR temperature meter. Any loose connections will show up as hot spots, which can be fixed before the fire breaks out.

All current-carrying electrical connections should be double-checked for solid connections before the transmitter is turned on, then check periodically thereafter for heat buildup and or heat damage.

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