North Adams tower update III

And final.

It has been a year and a half since the tower collapse in North Adams, Massachusetts.  Since that time, WUPE-FM (Gamma Broadcasting), WNNI, and W266AW (New England Public Radio) have been operating with STAs at lower than licensed power.   We have completed the installation of the combined antenna, filters, and combiners and now all stations are back to full power.  Here are a few pictures of the transmitter room:

WUPE-FM and WNNI transmitter racks, North Adams, MA
WUPE-FM and WNNI transmitter racks, North Adams, MA

WUPE-FM (left-hand rack) is using a Crown FM-2000 transmitter, loafing along at 1,060 watts. WNNI (right-hand rack) is using a Gates Air Flexiva 2 running at 1,650 watts. Those stations are combined with a Shively Combiner:

Shively combiner
Shively 2-way star junction combiner

We are still doing some grounding and neatening work behind the racks:

Behind racks
Behind racks

The Shively versa tune antennas that were mounted to the wooden utility pole as emergency antennas will be retained as backup antennas for both stations.

Transmitters for WUPE, WNNI and W266AW
Transmitters for WUPE, WNNI, and W266AW

We share the room with Access Plus, which is a wireless internet service provider in western Massachusetts. Their stuff is in the open-frame racks to the right of WNNI.

Another view:

Transmitter racks for WUPE-FM, WNNI and W266AW
Transmitter racks for WUPE-FM, WNNI and W266AW

TL;DR: Tower collapses, and the facility is rebuilt better than before.

One thought on “North Adams tower update III”

  1. So much room to walk around, so organized and clean, so much light… I’m impressed! Nicely done and congrats on finally closing that chapter for those signals.

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