I received this rather humorous, hyperventilating email from some group called “Freepress.net.”
FCC Commissioner Meredith Attwell Baker is leaving the FCC to become a lobbyist for Comcast – just four months after she voted to approve the Comcast-NBC merger.
This is nothing new under the sun and has, in fact, been going on for years. It’s called “The Payoff.” Conflict of interest? On the surface, it sure seems that way, but perhaps there is some other innocent explanation for this move. I can’t, for the life of me, think of what that might be, but I’m sure somebody will come up with something.
The email continues with a plea to call some congressman to investigate the FCC. Perhaps I have grown a little cynical but I have my doubts about the effectiveness of such an effort.
In spite of my cynicism, as their motivations seem to be in the right place, I applaud Free Press for their efforts. Other like-minded groups need to keep the pressure on and keep this in the spotlight. Naturally, NBC and other networks have uttered not a peep about it. The public blindly goes along while big business and wall street banksters continue their efforts to return to Feudalism.
Soon, one company will own the entire country. Everyone will shop at the company store, Wal-something or another, live in company housing, go to the company medical clinic and worship at the company church.
The answer, of course, is independent voices, independent investigations, in-depth reporting, in short, everything that is currently missing from the media landscape today. That, and some kind of electric shock or something to get people off of their fat asses and care about something.
Update: Several people have taken notice; The New York Times, TIME magazine, and The Daily Show.
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More like this please.