Should I renew my free subscription to Radio World?

When I left my former place of employment and set out as a contractor, I also left my Radio World subscription behind. After I was let go, or quit or whatever it was, I was thinking that my days in radio were over or at least winding down and I had bigger things to worry about than trade magazine subscriptions.

I have been checking the Radio World website and find that it gets updated from time to time, usually several weeks behind the magazine.  So the question is, what am I missing?  As one commenter on the radio info board put it, the magazine keeps getting smaller and smaller, soon they’ll have to rename it Radio Pamphlet.

I’d like to stay abreast of things in the technical end of the radio business, but is Radio World the way?  There was a time when it was a technical magazine full of good timely articles well written by fellow engineers.  Occasionally I still find something interesting to read, and that is true.  Interspersed with that are lots of advertisements, useless information, and many pro-HD radio articles.  Is it worth the price?  I don’t know, I am still pondering that one.